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La Cátedra I+D+I para la prevención de la dependencia launches the training classroom for the prevention of dependence

Cátedra I+D+I para la prevención de la dependencia, which was created in March, thanks to the agreement signed between Macrosad and the University of Malaga, has created the Training Classroom for the prevention of dependency, whose central themes are prevention and intergenerationality.

The research teaching team of the Chair, the students of the degree in Social Work of the UMA and the professionals of the social intervention of Macrosad will participate in this innovative research initiative, focused on preventive aspects in the field of Dependency, as well as in the training aimed at professionals in the sector, with the aim of acquiring skills and aptitudes that will contribute to the improvement in care and intervention, by means of activities in the centres for the elderly of Macrosad and in the facilities of the UMA, so that there will be a mutual exchange and participation. In addition, in line with these actions, a prevention service will be provided to people with disabilities and prevention of dependency in the university community.

Amongst the objectives of the Classroom, it is worth highlighting the creation of research interest in the students, the promotion of practical spaces for the students, as well as the creation of a space for reflection and debate on the prevention of dependency, amongst other aspects.