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The University of Malaga and Macrosad Create the First Cátedra I+d+i for the Prevention of Dependence

The University of Malaga and Macrosad, a cooperative for the education and care of people in childhood and old age, have created the first R&D&I Chair for the Prevention of Dependency.

Both entities have signed a collaboration agreement, through which research and technological and social innovation spaces will be promoted, focusing on the prevention of dependency and the promotion of personal autonomy, as well as innovation and digitalisation in social care within the framework of the Public Social Services System, among other aspects.

Attached to the Faculty of Social and Labour Studies, the lines of action of its activities will focus on three areas: research into dependency and personal autonomy, consultancy and innovation and training. Bajo la dirección técnica de Luis Miguel Rondón, coordinador del Grado de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Málaga, la cátedra dispondrá de una comisión de seguimiento, de la que formarán parte la decana de la Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo, Ana Rosa del Águila, el profesor de la UMA y director del Observatorio de la Dependencia, José Manuel Ramírez, además de Lucía González, Dori Quesada e Irene Moral, directora de Innovación y Marketing, responsable institucional y responsable tecnológica de Macrosad, respectivamente.

Commitment to research and transfer in the Dependency Unit

This new project will form part of Macrosad’s Social R&D ecosystem with its more than 25 years of experience in the sector, following the pioneering Macrosad Chair of Intergenerational Studies, a benchmark for promoting the use of the intergenerational perspective in the socio-health and socio-educational field, and the Ageing Lab Foundation, a network specialising in the creation and transfer of knowledge in ageing.

For its part, the University of Malaga, which is committed to research and transfer through this type of agreement with companies, has been recognised as the first Spanish academic institution to obtain the international “Entrepreneurial University” seal awarded by ACEEU (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities), which accredits merits in innovation and entrepreneurship.